Vehicle Tags

Vehicle Tags

With this new functionality, keeping track of your fleet separately will be easier in live view, especially if the fleet is medium or large, so with this new module, you will be able to create groups of vehicles and assign them a tag so you can use them as a filter in live view.
It is important to say that the tags can only be created and applied from the web version of fleeter, while in mobile the filters will be available only to be applied.
We will discuss:

  • How to create a Tag
  • How to assign vehicles to a Tag
  • Edit and add/remove vehicles from the Tag
  • How to use the Tag as Filters on Live View 

1. Create Tag
It is super easy to create a Tag from our main navigation bar. Just click on the Tag module at the bottom.In order to create a Tag, there are 4 required fields that need to be configured in order to save it. These fields are:


2. Tag name: It will help you distinguish between Tag

3. Add vehicles to Tag: Once the tag is created and by clicking on it, the complete list of vehicles in the fleet will be displayed. From there you can choose which ones to assign to the Tag and complete your filter. Then you just have to close Tag Manager.

4. Add/ remove vehicles from the Tag: Once the tags are created, you can also edit the name of te tag, and the assigned vehicles, which can be deleted and added again as required.

5. Live View Filters: Once this is done, in live view you can access the filters

Where you can activate and deactivate the filters according to the fleet you want to pay attention to, by finishing with the button "Apply filters".

If you have any more questions or concerns please reach us at